Dowth Avenue
A plant lovers paradise in D.7. Long and narrow this garden lent itself to being divided into multiple areas.
A large glass wall and sliding door in the downstairs living area provides a frame for the over 50ft long garden. To increase the sense of space inside the house a patio area was built immediately outside the door with a small elevated breakfast dining area to the left making the most of the morning sunshine.
The garden was made up of three clear distinctive existing areas and a garden shed located to the rear. The clients were keen to keep a grass area and wanted some planting that would give a lush feel to the garden.

The Shed was relocated to the centre of the garden freeing up space to the rear where a new lawn was laid. The rear section of the garden gets the most sunshine.
We used a brick paver in a stretcher bond pattern at 90 deg to each other to provide a larger sense of space in both areas.
Portuguese Laurel was planted to screen off the shed and bring a warmth to the small breakfast seating area. Cornus Sericea, Red Dogwood was planted to create a barrier between the seating and walkway providing some winter color in the process.
Various sizes of Granite rock were used to create a walkway and old reclaimed railway sleepers used to construct steps.
A mature variegated Fatsia Japonica sits opposite the breakfast area and screens some of the rear of the garden leaving just enough to be seen, stirring your curiosity and inviting you up to the back of the garden. The planting layout here creates a beautiful vista towards the house from the rear of the garden.
A selection of ferns, grasses and bulbs complete the planting along the walkway.

Down the back.....
An existing lean-to Glass house and copious amounts of sunshine dictated how things would go down here.
A space for relaxing, entertaining and enjoying the privacy of the Microshade screening in conjunction with the taller planting, long summer nights around the fire are a real treat.