Spencer Street
Located in Dublins Eastwall, an area dating back to the early 1800's this is a small mutli level garden.
The varied use of materials helps bring interest and character to such a small space.
Upcycled Granite windows sills, reclaimed Railway sleepers, Limestone Slabs, galvanised corrugated sheeting and welded mesh gabions housing old red brick with various layers and colors of gloss paint.

Planting consists of Ornamental Bamboo, Phyllostachys Aureos Spectabilis, its lush green leaves and green striped yellow stems really contrast and pop with the black backround.
Another Bamboo, Fargesia Winter Joy, in the line of sight from the living room provides a hint of what lies in store should you venture down the "Alley".
An aged modern red brick makes up the main paved area and is adjoined by reclaimed railway sleepers both materials a nod to the areas history. Original clay bricks still form part of the rear wall and the houses proximity to the railway and Connolly Station tie the garden to times gone by.

Stipa Gigantea, with its Oat like golden seed heads carry interest from summer tru to the winter months as they dry out, providing a striking architectural presence.
Dicksonia Antartica an Australian native abundantly found in the lush cloud forests of the south-eastern region all the way from Queensland to Tasmania bring an extra textured softness to the area.

Red Robin espalier trees along the rear wall provide privacy, cover some wall and allow a sense of space to be maintained at a lower level. Corrugated galvanised roofing sheets clad a section of wall opposite the pergola offering a welcome alternative to the masses of concrete creating a subtle reminder to the areas industrial past.